Thursday, 9 June 2011

Why Diamond Certification Is So Important?

A certificate is actually the ""blueprint"" of a loose diamond. It is also called the diamond grading report or diamond dossier. It tells you the diamond's exact measurements and weight, as well as the details of its cut and quality. The certificate points out precisely all the individual characteristics and facets of the stone. The certificates also serve as proof of the diamond's identity and value. Without certification, there is no assurance that the diamond you are buying is of the quality you’re paying for.

A certificate, however, is not the same thing as an appraisal. A certificate describes the quality of a diamond, but it does not place monetary value on the gem. The certificate may help determine the diamond’s market value, but does not give the appraisal.

Diamonds are priceless and are valued much for their worth and excellence Loose diamonds are available in a variety of shapes. Whichever shaped diamond you buy it is very significant that the diamond be certified by an independent gemological laboratory like the International Gemological Institute (IGI), Gemological Institute of America (GIA); the American Gem Society (AGS); the European Gemological Laboratories (EGL) and GemEx Systems.

There are many diamond grading labs in operation, many of which produce their own grading reports. Different labs have different grading standards, and some labs will be more lenient with their standards compared to others.

From the prospect of investment also the diamond certification is very important. Your diamond will be easier to sell if it is properly certified. Uncertified diamonds can be certified by sending them to an independent gemological laboratory for examination. In case you loose your “diamond report” you can always get a copy of your certification from the gemological laboratory where you had it examined. It is the pedigree that goes with the diamond and becomes a valuable document in case of loss because it will ensure that your insurance company will replace your stone with another certified stone of same quality. Certificates are not appraisals since they do not contain any information regarding the value or price of a diamond.

Shopping around for graded loose diamonds allows you to make an informed choice about your selections. You can compare one diamond with a particular weight and quality with other loose diamonds of similar weight and quality to determine which has the better value.

When purchasing loose diamonds, it is always safe to do so in stores that give out a report for every loose diamond purchased. This way, one can make sure that the diamond is genuine. Some diamond stores actually boast of selling diamonds that are accompanied by a lab report from GIA or AGSL, labs that have consistently demonstrated their commitment to high standards. Some lab reports are also ready for online viewing for the virtual shoppers.

You can either contact us on  +60162211051 today or email us on to arrange a consultation about your exquisite loose diamond.

1 comment:

  1. Nice explation I always read your post great suggestion thanks for sharing with me it is really very helpful for me thanks for this.
