Clarity is an indication of a diamond's purity. It describes the degree to which a diamond is free of imperfections. Clarity simply refers to the tiny, natural imperfections that occur in all but the finest diamonds. Gemologists refer to these imperfections by a variety of technical names, including blemishes and inclusions, among others.
Inclusions refer to internal flaws and blemishes refer to surface flaws. However, in the diamond grades listed below, you'll note that none of the grades include the term "blemish" -- for the purposes of grading diamonds, all flaws are called "inclusions."
Inclusions include flaws such as air bubbles, cracks, and non-diamond minerals found in the diamond. Blemishes include scratches, pits, and chips. Some blemishes occur during the cutting processes (most often at the girdle). Diamonds with no or few inclusions and blemishes are more highly valued than those with less clarity because they are rarer.
The GIA diamond grading scale is divided into six categories and eleven grades. The clarity categories and grades are:
F – Flawless - Flawless diamonds generally show no inclusions or external blemishes at 10X magnification.
IF - Internally Flawless: IF diamonds show no inclusions at 10X magnification, but they may show very subtle external blemishes that could be removed with minor repolishing.
VVS1 and VVS2 - Very, Very Slightly Included: Very difficult to see imperfections under 10x magnification. You won't see inclusions with your naked eye, and they will be difficult to find with a microscope or a loupe. An excellent quality diamond.
VS1 and VS2 - Very Slightly Included: VS1 and VS2 diamonds have minor inclusions that are seen under 10X magnification, but inclusions typically cannot be seen without the aid of a loupe or microscope. Less expensive than the VVS1 or VVS2 grades.
SI1 and SI2 - Slightly Included: Slightly Included: Inclusions are typically visible under 10x magnification, SI clarity diamonds are usually of the best value since inclusions are not always visible to the naked eye and prices are reasonable when compared to prices of the VS2 clarity and up grades. Some SI clarity diamonds do have visible inclusions and should be evaluated carefully.
I1, I2, I3 - Included: Inclusions visible under 10x magnification AS WELL AS to the human eye and will have many black spots from the black inclusions and/or appear very cloudy or milky from the white inclusions, feathers and cracks.. We do not recommend buying diamonds in any of these grades.
Size – What size is the inclusion?
Quantity – How many inclusions?
Type – What kind of inclusion? Feathers, crystals, pinpoints, needles, and clouds are examples of different types of inclusions.
Color or Relief (reflectivity) – How much does an inclusion stand out from the diamond?
Placement – Where is the inclusion located within the diamond?
After carat weight, diamond clarity has the biggest influence on price; the fewer the inclusions, the higher the price. There are many reasons why people choose higher clarity diamonds over those with lower clarity. In some cultures, higher clarity is symbolic of purity, and higher clarity diamonds are certainly more rare, but for many, a medium clarity diamond is desirable. The choice is yours.
You can either contact us on +60162211051 today or email us on to arrange a consultation about your exquisite loose diamond.
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